A Stateless Client for Progressive View-dependent Transmission


We present a framework for real-time view-dependent refinement, and adapt it to the task of browsing large model repositories onthe Internet. We introduce a novel hierarchical representation of atomic operations based on a graph structure, and provide a correspondence between the nodes of this hierarchy and a spatial representation of these operations, called visibility spheres. Selective refinement is achieved by performing a breadth first search on the graph. We show that the graph representation allows for significant space savings. The framework presented makes options available for performance tailoring. By efficient traversal of the graph structure an ordered list of refinements can be generated which are progressive and evenly distributed over the refinement area. This list can easily be truncated to comply with polygon limitations indicated by a client.

Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on 3D Web Technology


Richard Southern
Richard Southern
Lead Developer, Katana

Leader, Graphics Researcher, Software Engineer
